miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009

Blanca Varela

Blanca Varela is the best poet that has had Peru. Her first poems were published in 1959 in the book Ese puerto existe, which has the prologue of the Mexican poet Octavio Paz. In this first work, she presents surrealistic influence for the language and the oneiric images that she uses. One of the topics about which she speaks is the feminine condition, the woman as mother, friend and lover. She travelled to France with her husband, the painter Fernando de Szyszlo. There she knew the writers Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, whose ideas existencialists influenced her poetry. Lamentably, Blanca Varela has died this year to 82 years old.

Jorge Eduardo Eielson, a versatile artist

Eielson belonged to the Generation of 50 of our literature. He was a poet and painter who experimented with the poetry and the painting. He was born in Lima in 1924. In 1948, he travelled to Europe and established in Milan; he never returned to our country. His poetry presents a simple, but deep language. One of his better books is Habitación en Roma, which treats of the human condition in a modern city. He has got several prizes for his work. He died in Milan in 2006.

Martín Adán, a poeta poet at the edge of the madness

Martín Adán is one of our better poets. He was born in Lima in 1908 and died in 1985. He took a bohemian life due to his interest for the alcohol. He suffered deep crises for what he lived for seasons in the mental hospital, though he was not mad. His first book was La casa de cartón, which treats of the experiences of a teenager called Ramon. This book is considered like the first ultramodern novel of Peru. Also he wrote several books of poetry as Travesía de extramares and Escrito a ciegas. His poetry is characterized by the inscrutability, the barroquism, the metaphysical depth and the use of symbols.

martes, 25 de agosto de 2009

César Moro

One of few surrealistic poets that it has had our country was César Moro. This poet was born in 1903 in Lima. He travelled to Europe and in France he knew the surrealistic poets. Due to this link, the Moro’s poetry has strong surrealistic influence. Moro wrote almost all his books in French, except La tortuga ecuestre that was composed in Spanish. The Moro’s poetry is characterized by the constant use of oneiric images and the lack of logic. Beside being a poet, Moro was also a painter and even he took part in the international exhibitions of the surrealism.

José María Eguren, the symbolist poet

One of the founders of the Peruvian poetry was Jose Maria Eguren. His poetry belongs to the postmodernism and is characterized by its suggestive, educated, musical and chromatic language. In his poems there appear mythological and infantile beings in an environment of haze. Eguren was an introverted and insular poet in our literature since he is the only poet symbolist of Peru. Many critics think that his poetry influenced several later poets. His more important books of poetry are Simbólicas and La canción de las figuras.

Oquendo de Amat

Oquendo de Amat's life was short, but intense. He was born in Puno in 1905. He travelled for several countries and came to Spain in the beginnings of the Civil War. Due to the economic poverty, it falls ill of tuberculosis and dies in 1936. The unique book that he published was 5 metros de poemas, which is a strange book since it is composed by an alone pliable paper like accordion. The poems present features of the surrealism and of the creacionism. The language is simple, suggestive and tender.

lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009

Vallejo, the poet of the pain

Cesar Vallejo was born in Trujillo in 1892. His infancy was humble together with his brothers. He was employed as teacher at his youth and was teacher of Ciro Alegría, a future novelist Vallejo travels to Lima where he knows the big authors of the epoch. In 1919, he publishes The Black Heralds. On returning to Trujillo, he was imprisoned in an unjust way in an attempt. He passes three months in the jail, where he writes Trilce's poems and the stories of Escalas melografiadas.
In 1922, Vallejo arrives to Paris, there he works as correspondent of several Peruvian newspapers. He marries the French lady, Georgette Philippart. In Europe he writes the poems that will belong to Human Poems. Vallejo dies of a strange disease in 1938.

Baudelaire, a dandy

Charles Baudelaire was a French poet who was the initiator of the Symbolism. He was born in 1821 in Paris. His infancy was complicated because he suffered the death of the father and had conflicts with the stepfather. In the youth he took a bohemian and rebellious life dedicated to the experimentation with the alcohol and the drugs.
He published his book of poems The Flowers of Evil in 1857, for which was taken to judgment for committing an outrage against the morality of the epoch, since some poems were erotic and were praising to Lucifer. He was condemned to pay a fine and to eliminate six poems of his book. He translated Edgar Allan Poe's stories, because Baudelaire admired him for his literary quality. Baudelaire died in 1867.

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2009

A great narrator

Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was a narrator, essayist and American poet, whose work belongs to the romanticism. He was the creator of the modern short story and of the police story.
His stories can qualify in two big groups: stories of rational character and stories of irrational character.
The rational trend is composed by his police stories in which there appears the detective Auguste Dupin, who uses his logic and intelligence to solve cases that the police have not could.
The irrational trend is integrated by his fantastic and macabre stories. The most frequent topic of his stories is the death, since they appear in dead living them and ghosts. A fact that marked it was the death of his young wife that then was a motive of several of his stories in which the dear woman appears that she returns to the life. One of his famous stories is The black cat.
Poe died due to his interest for the alcoholic drinks.

lunes, 17 de agosto de 2009


Rimbaud was a French poet who was born in Charleville, a little town in France, in 1854. His father was a career soldier, who travels frequently. His mother was a catholic woman who was imposing a severe education on her children.
Rimbaud was a brilliant pupil in the school, in which he won many prizes. Bored with his city, he travels by foot to Paris, but he returns because didn’t have money. Of return to Charleville, he decided to send a letter to the poet Paul Verlaine, who I send a passage to Paris, due to the fact that he had liked Rimbaud’s poems.
In Paris, Rimbaud and Verlaine initiate a prohibited and stormy romance that will end with the separation of both. Rimbaud he is considered a poet simbolista. He wrote only two years, from the 16 to the 18, and later he left the poetry forever. For it, he is called the terrible child of the literature.
His unique books are A season in the Hell and Illuminations.