martes, 25 de agosto de 2009

César Moro

One of few surrealistic poets that it has had our country was César Moro. This poet was born in 1903 in Lima. He travelled to Europe and in France he knew the surrealistic poets. Due to this link, the Moro’s poetry has strong surrealistic influence. Moro wrote almost all his books in French, except La tortuga ecuestre that was composed in Spanish. The Moro’s poetry is characterized by the constant use of oneiric images and the lack of logic. Beside being a poet, Moro was also a painter and even he took part in the international exhibitions of the surrealism.

2 comentarios:

  1. Poets!! SO romantic. I love read it, specially near to my boyfriend =P he likes too but while he's playing I read u.u*

  2. They are well-known poets in the world, his poems are really interesting I love them !! ^^!
